weird projects i find myself doing when i feel weird. anything i do or make or draw or see or think about all while trying to not do the things i'm actually supposed to do. this is why many of these projects are remembered somewhat in relation to a feeling of regret.

places I've been to & things I've done

3) maps:
i have started to develop a crazed liking for maps and cartography. the accurate physical representation of a location and the added bonus of a story all give me the urge to make maps of every place if been to. however, i'm too lazy to carry out all these... 'want-to's.

what i'm supposed to be doing when i'm not out and about procrastinating, taking photos, making maps, and filming videos. i study biology as an undergraduate at college. i'm currently obsessed with life at the molecular scale and hoping to go into bioinformatics.

5) music:
i got into music because of jason mraz (still one of my favorite musicians of all time). since then, i have been slowly expanding my taste in music. from mainstream pop to indie synth rock, folk music to melodic death metal, finnish jazz to new york jazz rap... i have tried to make some music on my own... i refuse to even explain how it went.

my late grandfather left me his very own canonet ql17 manual film camera. i've always liked the aesthetic of film photography but never thought to look into the actual process of taking photos and developing the images. i have since then fallen in love with the film medium and have decided to start working on photography projects of my own.

by digital photography, i mean smartphone photography. this page contains photos taken in everyday life with my trusty iphone. i try to use less artificial film grain but what can i say... I'm addicted. I've recently started learning how to use a DSLR camera and am planning to practice using my dad's old nikon d5000 back from 2009.

8) vids:
i have had a special passion for video since middle school where i would try and make short films (they had the worst scripts ever). I'm too scared to work on anything too heavy. however, i try to make two or three short aesthetic videos every few months.

the collection of weird things i've made prior to march of 2022
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